

Highland Games

Battersea Park


Battersea Park

Battersea Park is a large traditional park on the south bank of the Thames opposite Chelsea. Two Victorian bridges span the river at each end of the park, Chelsea Bridge to the east and the Albert Bridge to the west.

The park has all sorts of amenities and provides a welcome open space in the heart of a London surburb. It's run by the Wandsworth Borough Council, one of the London Boroughs.

I've included a few photographs of the park, as we really enjoy it and we can recommend it as a breath of fresh air in this huge city.

  • The Thames from the south bank in Battersea Park looking towards Chelsea embankment.
  • Battersea Park Peace Pagoda -- a large pagoda erected to support peace. We cannot find a plaque explaining it at the moment.
  • Battersea Park Bowling Green
  • Battersea Park trees
    Trees being trained in Battersea Park